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By the initiative of the Arbeitskreis für Körpergeschichte (a History of the Body study group), Body Politics is edited by: Hannah Ahlheim (University of Gießen), Peter-Paul Bänziger (University of Basel), Magdalena Beljan (afg berlin), Pascal Eitler (Hannover Medical School), Jens Elberfeld (University of Halle), Andrej Findor (Comenius University of Bratislava), Christian Fritz-Hoffmann (University of Bielefeld), Alexa Geisthövel (Hu Berlin), Henriette Gunkel (Gildsmiths – University of London), Christiane König (University of Cologne), Patrice Ladwig (MPIMMG Göttingen), Nina Mackert (University of Erfurt), Maren Möhring (University of Leipzig), Marcus Otto (GEI Braunschweig), Massimo Perinelli (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Berlin), Joseph Ben Prestel (FU Berlin), Katja Sabisch (University of Bochum), Monique Scheer (University of Tübingen), Florian Schleking (University of Cologne), Imke Schmincke (LMU Munich), Olaf Stieglitz (University of Cologne), Heiko Stoff (Hannover Medical School) and Magaly Tornay (University of Zürich).

Scientific advisory board

The editors are supported by the following members of the scientific advisory board: Thomas Alkemeyer (Oldenburg), Ulrike Bergermann (Braunschweig), Gabriele Dietze (Berlin), Franz X. Eder (Vienna), Christa Hämmerle (Vienna), Heinz-Gerhard Haupt (Bielefeld), Dagmar Herzog (New York), Klaus Hödl (Graz), Sabine Kienitz (Hamburg), Gesa Lindemann (Oldenburg), Thomas Lindenberger (Potsdam), Sabine Maasen (Munich), Jürgen Martschukat (Erfurt), Georg Mein (Luxembourg), Rolf Parr (Duisburg-Essen), Nicolas Pethes (Bochum), Sven Reichardt (Constance), Philipp Sarasin (Zurich), Detlef Siegfried (Copenhagen), Jakob Tanner (Zurich), Jakob Vogel (Paris), Paula-Irene Villa (Munich) and Anne Waldschmidt (Cologne).

Our focus

Body Politics’ thematic focus is on the history of the body from the 18th to the 21st century. The current main focus is on Western Europe and North America in the period between 1850 and 2000. An expansion of this regional scope, however, is welcome and intended. We regard the body as a multi-dimensional object of research and as the result of historical transformations: as an effect of social practices, an object of the imagination and of representation, in its discursivity, materiality, and productivity. The body was and is a medium of subjectification as well as the locus of efforts at social hierarchization and, not least, of political conflicts. It is in this comprehensive sense that the title of the journal must be understood: Body Politics.

The history of the body not only changes our view of people, their bodies, and history, it also affects our perceptions of animals and material objects and their purportedly fundamental differentness.

Accordingly, this journal is open to a wide range of research questions and diverse approaches. It presents not only articles from the field of history, but also historical approaches in neighboring fields of literary and media studies as well as cultural and social sciences.

Your submission

Body Politics welcomes submissions, and we would especially like to encourage younger colleagues to submit articles to our journal. Accepted articles will be published free of charge for authors, we do not demand any fees. If you are interested, please send us your draft or article by e-mail for review in doc or pdf format. Please also consult our pages concerning double-blind peer-review process, announcements, copyright issues and layout. Click here for more information …

Body Politics is published as an online journal two times a year, and in special cases three times per year. All issues focus on specific topics, and the journal collects theoretical and empirical contributions on the topic in two rubrics („perspectives“ and „analysis“). Each issue, however, may offer space for articles beyond the main topic („open section“). Body Politics publishes articles in German or English.

Peer review

All contributions to the journal have gone through a double-blind peer review process. Click here for more information …

Open access

The journal is published free of charge and in open access format. All articles are subject to the Creative-Commons-License CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 (Germany). The copyright of all articles remains with the authors; articles can, in accordance with the license and for non-commercial purposes, be duplicated and be made accessible in any media format. This applies only when correct and full references (including the first publication in Body Politics) are given; no editorial alterations are permitted. Click here to view the license …


The German Research Foundation (DFG) financially supported Body Politics by a three-year start-up funding.